This is an event to honor the Issei and Nisei, first and second generations, of our community who paved the way for future generations of Sansei and Yonsei, third and fourth generations. We have the quality of life today and the opportunities to pursue career choices and post-secondary education that were not options for many family members during the first 50 years of the 20th century.
This year we will be having the event at River's Edge Buffet located at the north end of the casino. We are changing the room this year in order to provide you a better variety of food selections. It will be a brunch buffet and will offer both breakfast and lunch choices. The area that we've reserved is limited to 52 people. We will accept reservations on a first-come-first served basis. If we exceed this amount, an additional seating area close by has also been reserved. Park in the parking garage on the north side of the property and enter the building at the Pavilion entrance. You may also use valet parking at the main casino entrance. Meal prices are as follows:
To help ensure that you'll have seats by your family and friends, make your reservations as soon as possible. The reservation deadline is Wednesday, March 13th. To make your reservation online, please fill out the RSVP form on the home page at Comments are closed.