Please check back for the 2024 application form.
Moving Forward with JACL (2024 and beyond)
The process of applying for a JACL scholarship in Spring 2024 will mostly remain the same. The one update is that the Scholarship Committee will decide which scholarship will be awarded rather than having the applicant apply for a specific one. As stated in previous years, scholarships will not be awarded on the basis of a single criterion, as factors such as scholastic/academic achievement, involvement in Nikkei and/or Asian community activities, community service acts helping those less fortunate, and intent to pursue a trade school, 2-year or 4-year post-secondary certificate or degree, will all be considered when determining those who receive a scholarship offered by the Spokane JACL.
Please return your scholarship application in a timely manner, postmarked no later than May 31, 2024. The May 31 deadline will be in effect each year regardless of which day of the week it lands on in the current calendar year. The Spokane JACL board wishes all applicants the best as you pursue your future dreams and careers. Stay strong, determined to finish what you start as your generation and those that came after our Issei and Nisei community, have been given opportunities to pursue things that they were not able to pursue. This will be your legacy to past generations: that you have completed what you set out to do.
Applications may be found on our website at under the Scholarship App tab. Completed applications may be scanned and emailed to [email protected] or mailed to:
attn: Scholarship Committee
Spokane JACL
PO Box 2772
Spokane, WA 99220-2772
Please return your scholarship application in a timely manner, postmarked no later than May 31, 2024. The May 31 deadline will be in effect each year regardless of which day of the week it lands on in the current calendar year. The Spokane JACL board wishes all applicants the best as you pursue your future dreams and careers. Stay strong, determined to finish what you start as your generation and those that came after our Issei and Nisei community, have been given opportunities to pursue things that they were not able to pursue. This will be your legacy to past generations: that you have completed what you set out to do.
Applications may be found on our website at under the Scholarship App tab. Completed applications may be scanned and emailed to [email protected] or mailed to:
attn: Scholarship Committee
Spokane JACL
PO Box 2772
Spokane, WA 99220-2772
Justine Kondo was also awarded the Atsuhiko Tateuchi Memorial Scholarship from the Seattle Foundation, which she is using to pay for her Masters in Elementary Teaching Degree.
2023 Scholarship Recipients (Left to Right)
Michael Tsuchida, Justine Kondo, and Tyler Furukawa (not pictured)
Michael Tsuchida, Justine Kondo, and Tyler Furukawa (not pictured)